Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year!

New Year’s Day Superstition~~(it's bad luck to be superstitious)
How you start the year is how you will end it, so make sure that you are wearing new clothes and looking your best, have paid off all your debts and are with your partner so that you are still with them at the next New Year.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Strange But True Headlines This Week

BERLIN (Dec. 27) - A 21-year-old German woman who did not feel like going to work at a fast food restaurant sent her parents a text message saying she had been kidnapped. (More...)

WELLINGTON (Dec. 27) - A New Zealand woman is in critical condition in hospital after being crushed by a dolphin that leaped on to her boat, media reported on Wednesday. (More...)

MANCHESTER, N.H. (Dec. 26) - Police say a man they pulled over for driving drunk continued to swig his beer during his arrest. Patrick Allain, 35, faces numerous charges after his arrest Monday night, the fourth time he's been arrested for driving while intoxicated. Police say he hit two other cars and initially refused to stop when officers tried to pull him over.

When he finally stopped, Allain allegedly continued to drink a 40-ounce bottle of beer, telling officers, "You can charge me with whatever you want. It's not going to stop me from drinking and driving." (More...)

DES MOINES, Iowa (Dec. 26) - You, Only Bouncier. Once reserved for the likes of athletes and celebrities, now bobblehead dolls can look just like you. (More...)

Read the full articles on these and others at aol News Strange But True

Thursday, December 21, 2006


EGO-SURFING: When you frequently check your name and reputation on the Internet.
BLOG STREAKING: "Revealing secrets or personal information online which for everybody's sake would be best kept private."
CRACKBERRY: "The curse of the modern executive: not being able to stop checking your BlackBerry, even at your grandmother's funeral." (A BlackBerry is a popular handheld device that can be used for phoning, emailing and web-browsing).
GOOGLE-STALKING: Defined as "snooping online on old friends, colleagues or first dates."
CYBERCHONDRIA: "A headache and a particular rash at the same time? Extensive online research tells you it must be cancer."
PHOTOLURKING: Flicking through a photo album of someone you've never met.
WIKIPEDIHOLISM: Excess devotion to contributing to the online collaborative encyclopaedia,
Wikipedia's name (Wikipedia even has a page where you can test whether you're an addict: (
CHEESEPODDING: Downloading of a song "so cheesy that you could cover it in plastic wrap and sell it at the deli counter." Cheesepodders are especially vulnerable to soft-rock favourites from the 1970s.

Saturday, December 16, 2006


This current urban legend is real! Constructed in 2004 by Carson Williams of Mason, Ohio, this is his actual house. Turn up your speakers and enjoy!

Sunday, December 10, 2006


People are so funny! There's that old e-mail that circulated about Santa's reindeer must be female (including Rudolph) because male reindeer drop their antlers mid-November to December, and female reindeer retain theirs until the spring. This may be true... but are there really 8 tiny reindeer that fly and is there really a Santa? Hmm.

Friday, December 08, 2006


Awe, my favorite Christmas movie Rudolph is on T.V. tonight at 8:00pm. This will be the 40th time I have seen Rudolph, now that I get to watch it with my son, who has now seen it 13 times. Does anyone really ever tire of these timeless classics? I for one, do not. It is like comfort food, it reminds me of childhood and good times.

Whatever happened to "The Little Drummer Boy?" It was a claymation Christmas show as well but I haven't seen it since way back when. I hope he's ok. :)

Saturday, December 02, 2006


This really burns me up so I will not say much on the subject.

(Yahoo News) Christ is missing from Christmas in this small town. The community's holiday display has a manger with shepherds, a guiding star, camels and a palm tree, but no baby Jesus, Mary or Joseph.

The parks superintendent said Jesus was left out because of concerns about the separation of church and state. But Mayor Dick Callaway said it was done for purely technical reasons: "It's not easy to put a light-up representation of a baby in a small manger scene, you know."
In recent years, some communities around the country have dropped nativity scenes after the displays were challenged as unconstitutional. Unconstitutional?? Freedom of Religion is one isn't it, and this is UNconstitutional to me because I happen to be Christian as MOST Americans are, and I cannot enjoy my own religion in my own Country. Ok, I'll stop now.