Sunday, February 04, 2007

Super Bowl Sunday Urban Legends

Today is the big day. Colts v. Bears. Here are some popular myths of Super Bowl Sunday:

1. Every year on Super Bowl Sunday the water systems of major cities are in danger of collapsing because of so many simultaneous toilet flushings at half-time. False.

2. More women are physically abused by spouses and boyfriends on Super Bowl Sunday than any other day of the year. Maybe.

3. Two-thirds of all the avocados sold yearly in the United States are purchased during the three weeks prior to the Super Bowl for making guacamole dip. Partially True but Exaggerated.

4. There are more pizza deliveries made during Super Bowl Sunday than on any other day of the year. True.

5. Disneyland becomes pratically a ghost town on the day of the Super Bowl because so many Americans are at home watching football. False.

6. The stock market predictably fluctuates up or down the Monday after the Super Bowl depending on which league wins. True.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would think all the toilets would be backed up!